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Project 4

Power in Community

Milestone 0 Worksheets

Team Charter

P4 Milestone 0

P4 Milestone 0 Pic 1.png

Preliminary Gantt Chart

P4 Milestone 0 Pic 2.png

Milestone 1 Worksheets

Client Notes

P4 Milestone 1 Pic 1.png

P4 Milestone 1

Initial Problem Statement

P4 Milestone 1 Pic 2.png

How/Why Ladder

P4 Milestone 1 Pic 3.jpg
P4 Milestone 1 Pic 4.png


Top Objectives

P4 Milestone 1 Pic 6.png
P4 Milestone 1 Pic 5.png
P4 Milestone 1 Pic 7.png
P4 Milestone 1 Pic 8.png
P4 Milestone 1 Pic 9.png

Associated Metrics

P4 Milestone 1 Pic 10.png
P4 Milestone 1 Pic 11.png
P4 Milestone 1 Pic 12.png
P4 Milestone 1 Pic 13.png

Project Resources

P4 Milestone 1 Pic 14.png

Milestone 2 Worksheets

Client Notes

P4 Milestone 2 Pic 1.png

P4 Milestone 2

Research Assignment

P4 Milestone 2 Pic 2.png
P4 Milestone 2 Pic 3.png

Refined Problem Statement

P4 Milestone 2 Pic 4.png

Functional Analysis


P4 Milestone 2 Pic 5.png

Morph Chart

P4 Milestone 2 Pic 6.png

Concept Sketches

P4 Milestone 2 Pic 7.jpg
P4 Milestone 2 Pic 8.jpg

Milestone 3 Worksheets

Refined Concept

P4 Milestone 3 Pic 1.png
P4 Milestone 3 Pic 2.png
P4 Milestone 3 Pic 3.png

P4 Milestone 3

P4 Milestone 3 Pic 4.png

Decision Matrix

P4 Milestone 3 Pic 5.png
P4 Milestone 3 Pic 6.png
P4 Milestone 3 Pic 11.png

Top Concepts

P4 Milestone 3 Pic 12.png
P4 Milestone 3 Pic 9.png

Design Review

P4 Milestone 3 Pic 13.png

Milestone 4 Worksheets

Previous Prototype

P4 Milestone 4 Pic 2.jpg
P4 Milestone 4 Pic 3.jpg

P4 Milestone 4

P4 Milestone 4 Pic 5.png
P4 Milestone 4 Pic 4.png

Refined Prototype

P4 Milestone 4 Pic 6.png
P4 Milestone 4 Pic 7.png
P4 Milestone 4 Pic 8.png
P4 Milestone 4 Pic 10.png
P4 Milestone 4 Pic 9.png

Details For Refinement

P4 Milestone 4 Pic 11.png

Present Testing Plan

Future Testing Plan

P4 Milestone 4 Pic 12.png
P4 Milestone 4 Pic 13.png

Design Review

P4 Milestone 4 Pic 14.png

McMaster University

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Aaron Rajan, 1st Year Portfolio

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